Ocean View Traffic Safety School
Convenient and affordable traffic safety courses to keep your insurance rates from increasing
About Us

Ocean View Traffic Safety School has been providing licensed safety courses to California drivers since 2011.

DMV-licensed and court-accepted online traffic-safety courses.
Convenient and flexible course format available 100% online.
Comprehensive customer support and instant access to completion certification.
The Course
Enhance defensive driving skills with Ocean View Traffic Safety School’s online course. Meet court requirements, mask license points, and prevent insurance premium increases.
The Basics
Defensive driving, also known as traffic safety school, is offered in various states to improve driving skills and mitigate consequences of traffic violations. Attendees can mask points from a ticket, ensuring a clean record and avoiding insurance premium increases. The program aims to promote safer driving habits and prevent future violations.

Contact Us

Sign Up Today


(877) 503-7702


2775 N Ventura Road
Oxnard, CA 93036

DMV Occupational License Number #E8318

Copyright © 2024 Ocean View Traffic Safety School

Ocean View Traffic Safety School